18 October 2011

07- The Form of Data

Erin Okeson and Mary Burke

Tufte, “Parallelism”

1) Is there a certain method of parallelism that is more appropriate to utilize over another, in architecture or its design process?

2) Is it possible to depict images in parallelism without having some kind of code?

3) Is there another coding system that is as common to people as reading music?

4) Tufte explains that scale can interfere with effectiveness of parallelism, what other graphic elements could no longer make two images parallel?

5) In what situation would using a code be more appropriate than direct labeling?

Tufte, “Sparklines”

1) Can spark lines communicate more effectively than words? Or is there too much room for interpretation?

2) How have computers increased the use of sparkline graphics in daily life? Where are they most prominent?

3) What is the difference between an icon vs. a sparkline? What kind of situation would you use one over the other?

4) How does Durer’s engraving contribute to the definition of a sparkline?

5) How would you produce a sparkline that does not provide misinformation?

11 October 2011

Narrative Armature

Webb, Tretow, Corbett


  1. Can icons be universal?  Why/why not?
  2. Can you think of an icon in everyday society?  What is it and how did it affect you?  Is this different from an icon in a comic?
  3. If comics become more realistic and stories become more elaborate, does this defeat the purpose of the comic?
  4. Can iconography limit our creative potential? 
  5. Should icons morph?  Should there be a universal icon for an idea?  Is there a current icon said to be universal?


1.      What do you see that you could convey in our current studio project via a storyboard?

2.      What is the difference between a storyboard and a comic?

3.      What do storyboards offer that renderings and models do not?  What is the value of a storyboard in architectural representation/communication?

4.      What other type(s) of information can be conveyed in a storyboard that was/were not discussed in the Davids article?

5.      If architecture should be more experiential, and comics help the viewer to place themselves in the narrative, than why aren’t non-traditional graphics more regularly in architectural practice?

10 October 2011

Being John Malkevich

Charlie Kaufman: why I wrote Being John Malkovich

By coincidence, I came across this after our exercise one discussion. I think it gives some interesting insight into some of the underlying premises in the film.