Lomas, Hosler, & Murphy
Arnheim. Visual Thinking
1. What leads one to the process of abstraction?
2. What are some pros and some cons
3. Arnheim bases his thesis on the premise: One cannot have perception without thinking or thinking without perception therefore every level involves abstraction and must be examined with care.
Do you agree with this?
Is it possible to simply take something in without analyzing, dissecting, categorizing, or relating it to something else
Can you discuss an idea without picturing it or relating it to something concrete?
4. Rene Pellet says: "Abstraction is an organization of the mind that passes beyond the concrete and has freed itself from it."
5. Is it possible to completely free a thought of concrete influence? In either respect is this necessary to constitute abstraction?
6. In your own words, how would you define abstraction?
7. What do you or how would you classify home?
8. Where did you last see an example of an abstraction?
Tufte. Beautiful Evidence
1. How do the idifferences between the physical and social sciences change the way we take/measure data?
2. What are the qualities of human nature or behavior that change the way we think or understand?
3.How is Minard's Russian Campaign poster anti-war and why does he intentionally not mention Napoleon's name?
4. Why would anyone logically want to limit themselves at the very initial stages of compiling data? And how would someone layer multiple pieces of information with analytical design?
5. Why is Documentation such an important part of analytical design?
6. What questions should someone ask themselves when trying to copile data?
7. How are principles of design derived in relation to human behavior?
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