Wk 9 Questions
Picon & Ponte
What is meant by scientific metaphors in architecture?
How do you define virtual reality?
According to the article virtual reality is potential awaiting full actualization, when does this potential begin as a virtual reality? Sketch? CAD? Or just an idea?
Brunelleschi designed structure, as well as, the machines and processes that enable its realization. Does this process occur in architecture today? Should it?
Do you ever consider the processes and machines required to actualize your designs into a real building?
In the article, it states that structure becomes synonymous with program, is this the same as the idea of form and function?
The article mentions Peter Galison showing the notion of Aufbau, and states that it was clearly imbued with an architectural meaning. What is Aufbau and how is it imbued with architectural meaning?
This article asks, “How are we to judge the beauty of the blobs and all the other creatures that appear on our computer screen?” My question is how is it any different than judging our designs when they are hand drawn? Modeled?
According to the article, one of the disconcerning features of virtual reality is its high degree of arbitrariness? What is meant by this?
The article goes on to say “nothing can now guarantee the designer that his project is the result of the best possible choice” what could guarantee that before? Wouldn’t the use of virtual reality help the design to find the best possible choice?
How does the research of suicidal cats “falling” out windows relate to the rest of the article? To architecture?
How do we stay conscious of the abstraction caused by using tools such as computers?
“Time, event, and program cannot be addressed through techniques of visualization” do you agree with this statement? Why/not?
“I ask myself, what is pissing me off about this? What’s pissing me off is that it uses so little of my body. You’re just sitting there, and its quite boring. You’ve got this stupid little mouse that requires one hand, and your eyes. That’s it!” Do you the interactive techniques apple have put forth into the iphone and ipad and Nintendo put forth into the wii can eventually be applied to design programs? Would it help us design better if it required us moving? Do we even need to move, when we sketch we just move a pencil with our hand, how’s that different than a mouse?
Does the digitalization of information into general binary code really affect your design? What could actually be lost through this process?
In reference to computers, this article mentions “the field of freedom shrinks with speed” Is it not the other way around? Should the field of freedom not expand with the speed of the computer?
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