ARNHEIM 380- Dunckner says that in the visual field the perception of an objects mobility is directly related to its level of dependency on the framework of the visual field. Do you agree?
ARNHEIM 376- Arnheim seems to suggest suggests that the mind is not capable of remembering events as sequential, even if the even is clearly perscribed by a linear structure that is time? Is this so? Why?
ARNHEIM 377- Arnheim talk about perception of an event as it relates to the route of disclosure, specifically referring to Hamlet. How important do you think the route of disclosure is to architecture? as designers do you think we try to force this? ie architectural promenade
ARNHEIM- How do you think movement effects fixation?
ALLEN 48- How do you perceive architecture's "in-between" situation? what are some newly arising examples of where this can be advantagous?
ALLEN 56- Allen relates the history of cities to a collection of memories, but as technologies advance and information exchange is more easily communicated, the memories of cities are erased. Can the same be said for our memories/identities?
Allen 57- with the advancement of technologies, do you really think that the "discipline of architecture itself" has been marginalized as Allen says?
ALLEN & ARNHEIM- how does architectures "in-between" situation relate to an event that is experienced in a simultaneous manner?
ALLEN 46- Allen says "Architecture, like music or dance, is not concerned to imitate reality", but later goes on to praise diagram architecture. Is this in a way contradiction?
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