1. McCloud states on pg36 that when you look at a detailed drawing, you see another, however, when you simplify the face to a smiley-face cartoon “you see yourself.” Do you agree with this?
2. Now for symbols, in general, are you more likely to identify with a simple emblem or a complex one? Imagine a Peace sign or the UN emblem
3. The ability to create contrast in detail between the characters and the scene is an interesting thought (at least to me). By increasing the level of detail of the landscape while keeping the character in a minimalist state you enable the viewer to place themselves in the scene. Does this hold true for architectural renderings, how can this be applied, is it successful? Are you more likely to place [imagine] yourself in a painting/illustration or a photograph?
4. On pg 44 McCloud talks about the power of objectification of objects, the example of a sword being drawn quite minimally until we want to call attention to it, at which point the detail is significantly raised. How can this contrast be applied in architecture?
5. How do you see yourself applying these techniques of iconic abstraction and non-iconic? Is it applicable for rendering, diagramming, board layouts, building design?
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