06 May 2015

Experimental Architecture Pt.2

Spiller_Arcadia Alchemy Antiquity and Machines

01:"This testing of architectural limits and the differing modalities of the architectural drawing were the other large reoccupations of twentieth century avant-garde discourse. The twentieth centuries will to abstraction had a profound effect on its architecture"[13]-- How big of a role does technology play in this? Both in drawing and building. Did people of the past abstract things like us but had no means of making them? Are there examples?

Woods_Radical Reconstructions

02: "The new structures contain freespaces, the forms of which do not invite occupation with the old paraphernalia of living, the old ways of living and thinking .They are, in fact, difficult to occupy, and require inventiveness in order to become inhabitable. They are not predesigned, predetermined, predictable, or predictive. They assert no control over thoughts and behavior of people conforming to typologies and coercive programs of use..."[16]-- As architects when we create a space that ' anything can happen' are we asking too much of the inhabitant to be inventive? Woods says they become useful when the are inhabited but is it still useless when the habitation doesn't know how to use a space?


03:When talking about the the home bomb shelter, the idea of a single family home bomb shelter becoming a 'digestible aspect of everyday life' to me this sounds crazy. A bomb shelter being as normal as a den or TV room? If we as architects can normalize a bomb shelter in a home that helps domesticate nuclear technology, what are other conventions we can challenge in this way? We obviously have the power to change the way places and spaces are viewed, how can we used the ability to manipulate function in a similar manner? Any examples? [07]

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