13 December 2017

Week 15: LTL - SNAFU

1.    The original meaning of snafu is “a condition of disorder created by an excess of conflicting Army rules and regulations.” Now that the translation has been lost in “contemporary usage and the tension is held in the original phrase between two seemingly incompatible conditions occurring simultaneously: the normal and the fouled-up.” “If something is normal, everyday, and ordered then how can it also be disordered and jumbled?”

2.    “Conventions of architecture are the aspects of the discipline that are taken for granted through daily repetition and habit. While conventions are meant to aid the practice of architecture, architectural conventions often insure that tenuous social constructions remain unexamined.” Should there be a reexamination of the rules in hopes to release the normality, therefore opening exploration?

3.    In the logic section, LTL states, “while the subject changes, the tactics of investigation remain consistent. Each project begins with a close inspection of an existing situation, triggering a speculative “What if…” question that postulates an alternative derived from the logic of the given object of study.” Are they saying that nothing is original anymore? The only way to be different is to argue on a specific part of an idea? Does this just show that everyone has a variation in logic? 

4.    LTL stated multiple examples about nonconformity, what ones stood out the most to you? What did they question and what was the outcome?

5.    Tactics are the modes of creative opportunity that operate within the gaps and slips of conventional thought and the patterns of everyday life. In what way(s) do you think LTL uses tactics in this writing, in its practice, and/or representation style. Are there specific tactics that you personally use?

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