30 September 2018

Week 05_Index

1.    On  page 198 of Krauss’ Notes on the Indexwe are introduced to the painting Tu m by Marcel Duchamp. How do you think this influenced the ideas of an index?

2.    What medium is best to represent something? Are there pieces of the physical object lost in photography, painting, or drawing? Can these differences be used to our advantage in architecture?

3.    Deborah Hay gave a performance in which she explained to her audience “instead of dancing, she wished to talk” Was she successful in her attempt to become completely in touch with her body? Is the form of linguistic index completely different from an index of movement of the human body?

4.    In part 2 of Krauss’ Notes on the Index, she explains that dance is no longer interpreted as something symbolic but as an index. Are signs and indexes viewed differently by different cultures?

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