24 March 2013

Week 10_Muybridge & Movement


1)      P. 42
The notations of mathematics and time-based art forms are stated as related areas. How are they related other than their abstractness?

2)      P. 43
Consider the Bruno Latour quote, “when a machine runs efficiently… one need focus on its inputs and outputs and not on its internal complexity.” Do you agree with this statement or are there other opportunities and processes one can pull from the internal complexity?

3)      P. 46 & 50
Can an architectural drawing be notational without numbers or texts by using other types of annotations, symbols, or implied scales? (Use Schlemmer diagram on p. 50) Can notations have multiple interpretations as diagrams do?
4)      P. 53
What are the positives and negatives of moving toward diagram architecture? What are other alternatives?

5)      P. 59-60
Allen promotes “new tools” to map illegible cities into legibility; are there any existing tools, programs, or systems that could be used, maybe differently and/or specifically for this purpose? Can maps scripts and diagrams be used to simplify illegibility in contemporary cities?

6)      P. 66
In the conclusion, Allen mentions mapping, projection, and notation as techniques of representation. How can projection be specifically used as a method of architectural representation?


7)      P.372
When Arnheim defines “pure movement” as, “taking place between two objects and unrelated to either,” is this truly possible and how so? Does the viewer’s perception make a difference?

8)      P. 373-374
If the performance of the dancer is experienced as an event in space, not in time, does this experience become an event if there is a relationship to another object? Or the relationship to the next dancer coming on stage?

9)      376-378
Are there any other art forms (besides painting, music, literature) that have similar or contrasting types of movement relationships (i.e. simultaneity, sequence, action)?
10)   386-387 & 394-396
If color, size, and speed can alter the perception of movement in objects, can these elements influence architecture in a similar manner and/or manipulate users in space? Think of Michotte’s experiments and results as an example too. How can these topics be applied to architecture?

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