Week 3 Readings:
Kelli Kaspar and Richie Hands
Mapped Pictures: Edward Tuft
- What was your overall sense of this reading?
- What made the slave shop diagram so effective? Did it convey its purpose effectively?
- Do the diagrams of the Cezanne paintings help the viewer understand how the painter viewed the world?
- Sculptures: is it truth or just an anomaly? Does it affect the mapping process since its off a 2-D, not 3-D object?
- What makes the ski diagrams or line dancing diagrams so effective?
- Rock, Braque, and Picasso: Does adding the scale in the 2 artist renditions make the map legible?
- “Mappings help tell why the image matters.” –Do you agree with this?
The Agency of Mapping: James Corner
- How do you define mapping? Since Corner gave so many examples of what it is.
- Does mapping actually help find new things?
- How do we use mapping in our projects in school?
- Is there anything that can’t be mapped?
- Does every map have an effect?
- What is site? How does it relate to mapping?
- 3 essentials in mapping: creation of the field, extraction/isolate data, and plotting. Are these the only ways to create a map?
- Do you believe young architects are bringing mapping back into the design world? Do you feel mapping should be brought to the forefront of design?
- 4 themes of mapping: Drift, Layering, Game Board, Rhizome. Which do you feel you use the most? Which is the most interesting to you? Which seems to be the most useful?
- Napoleon Diagram: do you feel this complies with any of the 4 above themes of mapping?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010Notes on the Index by: Rosalind Krauss Post by: Megan Lomas and Richie Hands
1. How is an index different than a symbol or an icon?
2. What are some examples of indeces from last week's lecture?
3. From Roger Brown's artwork?
4. Does an index always have to be visual?
5. Would an echo be considered an index?
6. A scent?
7. Is an index made stronger by adding a caption?
Andre Bazin states "The photographic image is the object itself, the object freed from the conditions of time and space that govern it."
8. Who agrees with a photograph as an index?
9. Is it possible to abstract a picture? For example with use of framing, extending shutter time, etc?
10. Would you consider a painting an index?
11. Which would be a stronger index? -a photograph or painting?
12. Why did Krauss place so much emphasis on the shifter, or referrential pronoun?
13. Are pronouns a type of index?
14. What do you think Duchamp intended when titling works with plays on words? Ex. Tu m', Rrose Selavy
Wednesday, September 22, 2010Notes on the Index by: Rosalind Krauss Post by: Megan Lomas and Richie Hands
1. How is an index different than a symbol or an icon?
2. What are some examples of indeces from last week's lecture?
3. From Roger Brown's artwork?
4. Does an index always have to be visual?
5. Would an echo be considered an index?
6. A scent?
7. Is an index made stronger by adding a caption?
Andre Bazin states "The photographic image is the object itself, the object freed from the conditions of time and space that govern it."
8. Who agrees with a photograph as an index?
9. Is it possible to abstract a picture? For example with use of framing, extending shutter time, etc?
10. Would you consider a painting an index?
11. Which would be a stronger index? -a photograph or painting?
12. Why did Krauss place so much emphasis on the shifter, or referrential pronoun?
13. Are pronouns a type of index?
14. What do you think Duchamp intended when titling works with plays on words? Ex. Tu m', Rrose Selavy
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