10 November 2018


1. Throughout all three readings by Nicholson, Shields, and Corner, each brief on the the process of collage making. The readings discuss the advantages of collages as a physical process, but are there any advantages to using digital production in the collage making process? If so, what do you think they are? If not, what advantages could our architectural representations benefit from by using collage outside of the digital platforms?

2. "The practitioner must have the skill to free the weight of the body, so that it can pirouette about the scalpel blade whist constant direction and pressure is applied to its point" (Nicholson, 20). In this quote from the reading, Collage Making, Nicholson discusses that one must understand the collage making process but also allow the mind to free itself during the process. Do you believe the most successful collage is one that is preplanned or on the spot? How do you create an architectural representation to convey a certain layers of meaning if it is not preplanned?

3. Do you use collage in your architectural representation to reveal layers of understanding to yourself or others?

4. Within the reading by James Corner, he discusses landscape and image being inseparable. Do you think landscape in collages heightens or hurts the image? If applied to an architectural representation such as a rendering, do you think it should display "realistic" landscape types or something as imaginative as a collage?

5. In the readings from Shields and Nicholson, both discuss collage being a tool to allow for layering of information. In this collaged image by Henry Stephens, what are the different layers of information he is trying to portray? Which are the most important?

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